
I Repented, that's why I'm a happy godless slut now.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Here's A People List: Atheists

A good friend and fellow blogger over at Storms started putting together a list of Atheists (he makes lists for everything… EVERYthing… it’s what he does), and was asking for some names (in case he forgot anyone). I realized that his list and my list are likely to be somewhat different, so I thought I’d make my own list, too. Atheists that helped me in the process of deconverting, that inspired me to be more active, and ones that just plain inspired me.

In no particular order, then, here are some people that I love.

And I think this whole idea goes back to something that I am finding to be more and more the case as time goes on. There is, in fact, a new generation of atheists coming into our own, finding our own way in the world, expanding the voice and the visibility of atheism in the world. And this, I think, is what Atheism+ is really all about. (And, yes, of course, I have quite a bit more to say about this, but I’ve fallen SO FAR BEHIND on my reading, etc. So before I say much else about that, and thereby reveal the depth of my ignorance, I’ll just get caught up a bit over here, and then say more.)

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